Brian Gongol

Huge pay hikes just came down the pipeline for a bunch of American CEOs

If they're smart, they'll put someone to the task of figuring out how to make sure they can keep the momentum going when the boom in North Dakota runs out. Which it will. They always do. Bubbles always burst.

There's a whole lot of quackery that goes unpursued and unpunished, and it gives people false hopes, robbing them of money and time that could be spent on actual cures and remedies instead of lunacy

Foxconn is well-known for manufacturing Apple's iPhone in China, but now it appears to be opening up shop in Latin America

It's possible for intelligent people to serve a highly valuable purpose at one time (as Gingrich did in 1994) but to be ill-suited to a new role of similar magnitude. The editors seem to think Gingrich fits that formula.