Brian Gongol
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As with the trend of late, it's not terrible -- it is growth, after all, and our friends in the EU would love to get to 2.9%, rather than 0.3% -- but it's not really very fast. We'd be much better-off with a 4% rate or higher, which should be our target.

Perhaps ten times as often. It's just that nobody's around to see or hear the impact, and we don't always hear them due to the limits of our hearing.

More would be better, but this is far from as bad as it used to be

And he's complaining that his allowance isn't big enough.

The government has commandeered a retail chain that sells electronics. Just stolen it, wholesale. It's shameless authoritarianism.

Suppose you were invited to invest in a hotel chain that had never recorded a profit, and that had negative net equity of $178 million. Suppose that their main selling point was that they were one of the most popular hotel chains around, thanks largely to the fact they allowed guests to stay for free, in exchange for seeing ads on every surface of the room. Would you want to invest in that company, or would you pick profitable companies with solid balance sheets? Any choice to buy stock in Twitter is emphatically not an investment. It's pure, unadulterated speculation.

A company claims to have gotten one to survive for 40 days, which isn't long enough to make it useful yet, but is long enough to show that the concept has promise

Courts have been sending signals to law enforcement that they need to go through the right channels to get warrants before using technology to track suspects

You don't usually have to watch out for debris when combining

And yet we've voted for more government involvement in health care?

It's part of the merger with American Airlines

Sure, it sounds like something nice to do for the people with the debt. But the reality is that unless we fix the way Americans learn about money, jubilees aren't going to do any durable good.

For now, it looks like the Midwest will have a normal winter

Finding sustainable sources of income could make a huge difference to rural communities

A lot of people have stumbled into a moment in which they appear to know something exclusive and valuable. These people call themselves things like "social media gurus". Their "guru-ness" comes from claiming special powers to understand and use tools like Facebook and Twitter. Many of them are so full of malarkey that they think they should be bringing home many-digited paychecks for their services, which often include making up nonsense words and rambling endlessly about "engagement". Here's the problem: These nonsense-artists are no different from the nonsense-artists who want you to manipulate others by twisting "you're welcome" into a psychological scheme. We need more actual STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) experts and a lot fewer "social gurus".

They might as well get some value from their $90 million investment

2013 was a much quieter year in Iowa than usual

A power plant serving the University of Texas at Austin went from 62% efficiency two decades ago to 88% today, thanks to improvements in controls, management, and technology. That's a tremendous move forward -- but it's the kind of thing most people never know about. Incremental progress, compounded year after year, makes life today vastly better than it was a few years ago. We don't have to hold our collective breath and wait for "disruptive technologies" to make things better.

A victory for human rights? Not really, as much as a crass acknowledgement of economics and demography.

He's one of the people behind the Stratfor breach

Take a minute or two and conduct some basic self-screenings for cancer. Early detection saves lives. There's lots of misinformation about cancer that finds its way around the Internet, largely because we've been trained to wait expectantly for some sort of magic-bullet solution to cancer. But cancer risks can be significantly reduced through a balanced diet, exercise, and early detection and treatment. Meanwhile, science is making great progress towards improving genetic detection, which holds great promise for some types of cancer. Instead of forwarding hoax-ridden e-mails about "cancer cures" and false threats, people should instead remind their friends and family to assess their health once a month.

If you really want a healthy, stable society, just build an appropriate social safety net. There's a very good case to be made that a guaranteed minimum income (as by a negative income tax) is a vastly more efficent way of doing this than by putting restrictions on the labor market. If you want to ensure competitiveness (and opportunity, particularly for the young and unskilled), making it harder for businesses to hire and fire is a recipe for disaster.

One doesn't have to have been in the private sector to be a great President...but the vacuum of management skill inside the Obama White House should make voters deeply skeptical of putting anyone into the Presidency again unless they've been a governor, a private-sector manager, or a military leader. Legislative experience is just not the same thing.

There's nothing wrong with a healthy degree of nationalism -- to the scale that people say to themselves, "We can do better...that's the American way!" But blind populist nationalism (of the flavor that says, "We don't want outsiders here!" or "We need to protect our own industries, no matter the cost!") often leads to highly counter-productive policies that make getting over the tough times even tougher. And Europe is in the middle of some tough times.

Mom starts the artwork with a portrait; daughter finishes with a doodle

Another news flash: Somebody's actually made a career out of studying boredom.


Depends on whether you're trying to measure the "total energy footprint" of the cellular network

These are innately interesting subjects...they're often just taught in a way that kills that interest

The website Funny or Die has spoofed Upworthy and other clickbait-obsessive sites by turning classic movie titles into what they'd be as, well, clickbait. It was easy to welcome Facebook and Twitter as relief from the ordinary until people started sharing these clickbait items relentlessly. Now it's like it's 2002 again, and all of our inboxes are again full of spam.

With a modified 747 sized to carry huge cargo

The official policy is that the government wants to be entirely out of GM ownership by the end of this year

China may be easing on things like the one-child policy, but it looks like trends in the government's control of the media are taking no such steps forward. It makes sense that the state would want to encourage a mild amount of muckraking because that serves up patsies who can be charged with corruption and paraded around as examples in front of everyone else. But real criticism of the government? That's not going to happen when the government requires journalists to be credentialed in the "Marxist view on journalism".

It looks like the EU is going to approve

Some tools seem really cool to have -- when nobody else has them.

Companies can create their own innovations, or they can buy them. This kind of investment allows China to "buy" the know-how to make a car industry. And it's certainly not the only such investment.

The more we discover about neuroscience, the more we encounter really difficult questions -- like what to do when a person's brain is wired for psychopathy, but when they manage to keep it well-socialized. How much biological determinism are we ready to accept and accommodate within our justice system?

Amazon's advantage in the marketplace may be its willingness to not really make a profit. Great for consumers, terrible for investors.

They really seemed to have cooled down over the last several months, but they're back with a vengeance

With characteristic Midwestern behavior, one might say: They're just putting their heads down and getting to work

Everyone has great reason to take far too many for themselves, and little incentive to show restraint (which is what's good for the population at large). This is a classic case of the tragedy of the commons.

Because Internet, as they say.

A survey claims to tell what young people think of radio broadcasting today. And it may very well be a valid survey -- but the sample size is just 303 people. Doesn't seem like enough to draw conclusions about an entire generation.

Considering that death seems to maintain a 100% hit ratio among humans, one would think we'd be more interested in strategically taking out the causes of death one-by-one.

Arguments that "information wants to be free" or "information wants to be shared" are cute and easy to parrot, but the reality is that information most definitely does not want to be free. It has value. Now, we certainly have incentives to share some of it at some times for particular reasons -- to gain status, to ensure the success of family or friends, or to build relationships or achieve political ends -- but at its base, we have no instinct to give away any of our resources just for fun without compensation. And information is a resource.

Not when New York City changes mayors. The new boss wants to squeeze property owners into doing what he wants done with their land by jacking up tax rates if they don't. Politicians need humility, competence, and curiosity. Lacking humility, they become too eager to tell other people what to do.

There are plenty of business executives who are paid far more than the value they create...but that's something for shareholders to fix, not politicians

A human doctor could read medical journals all day and not make sense of all the footnotes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using computers to do what we cannot do on our own. This is a whole new level of tool-making, which establishes us as some pretty impressive primates.


And in some other interesting aviation news, China says it has some new airspace, and some American B-52s are challenging that claim.

Eating your own cooking?

Quite possibly, a driver who is hungover

September 18th next year is the big vote

That's like ESPN losing the rights to SportsCenter

Markets are like all other forces of nature: We can direct and harness them in limited ways, but we can't ignore them into nonexistence.

Higher retirement ages, smaller COLAs, and more room for individual success or failure all look to play a part

We should be enormously thankful for their success

Violence there isn't going to remain contained for long. Also, we need to worry about the children left homeless and alone by the war.

It's all about the hustle

Firefighters do a lot more than just putting out flames. If your job hasn't evolved similarly in the last quarter-century, worry.

An intriguing argument that technology isn't really a distinction anymore

From last November's $7.03 a bushel, we're down to $4.30. Not a good indicator for cash rents, and consequently for land prices

Certain role-playing games have the capacity to induce a sense of "flow" -- a rewarding sense of control and positive feedback -- that makes people feel really good

"I am a devout fan of capitalism. It is the best system ever devised for making self-interest serve the wider interest. [...] But capitalism alone can't address the needs of the very poor."

A cunning display of human self-absorption and technological prowess