Gongol.com Archives: April 2014
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High-frequency traders aren't doing anything of net value to society. It doesn't mean their activity should be illegal, but it does mean they're parasites. And when challenged, watch how emotions escalate.

Facebook has been collecting and analyzing the data

Conventional executive pay at Facebook dropped last year, but the real concern is how they've been launching enormous bags of cash at acquisitions. One gets the sense that some of the shine has worn off as the company has tried to remain both socially relevant and profitable.

Seems like it's pretty much a company holiday

(Video) If you're up against a ringer, you probably don't have a chance

Russian activity of late is making them nervous, and they want NATO's help

One that appears to take some cues from Apple's Siri

They say that none of the passengers are suspects in any foul play

Certainly not in good taste. Poor form, David Ortiz and Samsung.

It's being said that Russia could invade at any moment, and there's no question that the mainstream of Europe would be opposed to an invasion on their doorstep. Meanwhile, the former president of Ukraine is backtracking on his embrace of the Russian incursion into Crimea. This whole affair is turning into a real test of just what "Western" values really are and how much those values are capable of overcoming the enticements of power.


9.3% of income goes to state and local taxes, says the Tax Foundation

Researchers conclude that users of Twitter are more narcissistic than users of Facebook

Secretary of State Kerry tries to call out the Russian government for making a mess in Ukraine -- quite literally by fomenting insurrection. So, here's the question: Why does this all appear to be happening while the White House scrambles to patch together some kind of response? How did we get here? Why didn't we see this coming, and wasn't there something that we could have done to prevent it? Is there a systemic failure we need to address? Are there individuals who should be fired for gross incompetence? Wagging fingers at Russia now seems like a response that isn't anywhere close to getting the right outcome.

A Cityview story on gang problems in Des Moines (yes, Des Moines) notes the widely-acknowledged correlation between youth unemployment and gang trouble: "No kid that has a legitimate opportunity elsewhere is joining a gang". This relationship should always enter the conversation when people talk about doing anything that restricts entry into the labor force -- including raising the minimum wage. Barriers to entry mean more young people with no better alternatives, and that enhances the risk that some of them will get caught up in criminal activity. 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds with low-wage but legitimate jobs are a far better thing to have than 21-year-olds who still haven't gotten into the labor force. And the higher the barriers to entry, the worse the effects down the road, since the longer a person goes without establishing some kind of a working history (no matter how menial it may appear), the harder it becomes for them to get moving up the economic ladder.

Too many promises made for too long and not enough set aside to keep them. Chicago's not alone -- this is a very widespread problem.

We tend to lack both perspective and basic knowledge of the depths of the oceans, or of their topography.

(Video) Jeremy Clarkson's take on the worst of giant American sedans

Why everyone's going to need to reset their passwords soon

Saying that the Pacific is big enough for two great powers, they're certainly signaling that America's military-industrial complex will have work for plenty of years to come

The right earthquake in the right spot could be catastrophic, because "downtown L.A. and Hollywood are packed with old, vulnerable buildings, including those made of concrete"

A guide to shamelessly manipulating your audience...because someone else will try to do it anyway

An oil tanker that was too large to safely navigate the English Channel ultimately proved no match for economics. It was too big for its own good.

The United States has managed much of the Internet's structure with a sort of benign dictatorialism. But turning it over to the world at large? What guarantee have we that it will work?

Supposedly advice for family businesses, but widely applicable. Generational labels are often over-done, but there are definitely lessons to be learned across age groups.

How broadcasters might be vulnerable to exploitation of the nation's emergency-broadcasting system

Lucas has a huge collection of art and memorabilia, and he wants to make a museum of it. His first choice is San Francisco, but they're not opening up the space he wanted, so Chicago is gunning to be the backup location.

Gunmen have taken over police buildings. The smart money is on Russian involvement.

A Lancet study says that four women in the US have had vaginal transplants from lab-grown tissue

The biggest problem will probably be whether the lack of a highly specific nightly deadline causes journalists (collegiate or otherwise) to take the foot off the gas. Conversely, by releasing journalists from form-dependent work (that is, laying out a physical newspaper), perhaps a digital-first model will encourage more meaningful storytelling.

What is "news", and why does a serious definition matter?

It's a problem for shareholders, who are basically getting extorted by executives. It's hard to imagine paying one person $13.9 million a year (per the "Equilar 100 CEO Pay Study" of the 100 highest-paid American CEOs of publicly-traded companies) and thinking you're getting more value than you would from the ideas and work of 70 people, each being paid a cool $200,000 each.

No surprise: A flight attendant knows best

Totally unnecessary, but then there are those happy little clouds...

Proving once again that we really are nothing more than "flyover country" to some people on the coasts, a CBS graphic shows Omaha where Kansas City...or Topeka, maybe?...should be

It's expected to be 30% more fuel-efficient than conventional engine designs

Students pay rapidly-rising prices for education. The instructors say they're wildly underpaid. There's a market failure at work here, and someone's going to get rich for resolving it. A consultant calls it "alarming" that 70% of faculty are adjuncts. The current tenure system looks like a serious roadblock to fixing the problem.

We're not doing ourselves any favors as a society if the culture discourages 50% from using their natural abilities

It's quite lumpy -- not evenly distributed

One wonders whether that is more or less scary to many people than the prospect of a quick failure. If China manages not to squander the spoils of its successes, then it might really be "here to stay" on the top tier of economies

Very high when compared to the rest of the world, but the slowest in 24 years

(Video) Funny, as is the supercut of Aaron Sorkin's self-plagiarization

Toyota is offering investors the opportunity to buy "green" bonds, funding those consumers who want to buy cars like the Prius using dealer financing

If you're a public figure and you don't want to risk being mocked or impersonated, get there first. Establish a presence that people will recognize and believe.

Live on WHO Radio at 1:00 Central

The report remains classified, so the fact we're hearing about it means there was a leak. And that outrages Senator Dianne Feinstein. Not the content of the still-classified report; the leak is what makes her angry.

A UK site called "Mumsnet" and the Canada Revenue Agency both got hit

Others have tried travel posters in the same vein, too.

There's no other reason for launching a pizza with a "crust" made of breaded chicken

Whether the pipeline is ultimately approved or not, this has the distinct odor of a politically-corrupted process


It's incredibly hard to say what is a "fair" ratio of CEO pay to middle-class-worker pay, but it does seem odd that the average CEO in the S&P 500 made $11.7 million in 2013, if only because that same amount could (instead of paying one executive) hire a whole team of great people for $250,000 a year each, which one might expect to produce a lot more value for the shareholders.

He's named in a patent that appears to be intended to block people from being recorded with Google Glass against their will

Workers ages 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 will be treated to a work of fiction as they are told something between a myth and an outright fabrication about what they can expect to receive from Social Security. There's absolutely no way to pay the bills incurred without cuts to benefits and higher taxes on workers. It's just not possible. And the longer we wait to initiate a program change allowing private accounts for individual workers to manage at their own discretion, the longer we starve the private sector of potentially useful investment capital that could be used to increase the growth rate of the economy, which in turn might help to ease the impact of the government's over-spending, under-taxing problem.

Large public schools have enough troubles, even when they're supported by tax dollars and have enormous alumni networks to draw upon. What will come of the small schools with enrollments of 1,000 or 2,000 and not enough endowment money to keep them afloat in times of pressure? There will undoubtedly always be a sort of mystique to the tightly-knit small campus, but at a time when lots of people are having difficulty justifying the cost of higher education for its long-term return on investment (the ROI is usually there, no doubt, but it's being squeezed between rising tuition costs and wage pressures on graduates), it will be worth watching whether lots of schools go the way of Westmar as students seek lower-cost alternatives like online programs. Some character may be sacrificed in the experience, but as a business proposition, it may be unavoidable.

The designer of the odd stilt-mounted tower failed to account for certain wind conditions that could have knocked over the building

China has a complex future ahead of it, and not one that will probably result in a soft landing for Communism

He dinked around with painting on an Amiga, and the files have been found

Very clever data visualization by the New York Times shows where to find the fans of specific teams

And it looks like we're heading away from neutrality-as-status-quo

(Video) What's worth a lot more than gold bars? Skills...and a growing set of them.

Wasn't that always the old principle?

Officially, not much at all

For $7.5 billion. Microsoft can afford to take the risk, and Nokia wanted out.

He is right about the primacy of natural rights before the mechanisms of self-government. But one might take issue with characterizing it as a difference over process -- acknowledging the boundaries of a process is just as important as the execution of it

Any natural-resources bonanza is destined to end some day.

An "E.T."-themed game was such a flop, they buried the cartridges