Gongol.com Archives: August 2014

Brian Gongol

August 30, 2014

Threats and Hazards UK goes to "severe" terrorism threat level
Blame those who are trying to get into the Middle East to fight on behalf of ISIS/QSIS (or, as it ought to be called, "al-Qaeda Land"). The longer they have to establish themselves to develop terrible plans against the rest of the world, the worse the outcomes for the rest of us.

Computers and the Internet A flame war with shooting-war implications

News The NWS Hurricane Katrina warning
A great example of using plain English to make a vital argument

Humor and Good News Customer service delivered with personality
Most people are up for a good round of fun, even (and perhaps especially) when contacting tech support

Iowa Cedar Rapids tells Iowa DOT it won't give up speed cameras on I-380
