Gongol.com Archives: December 2014

Condoleezza Rice on the need for America to think about national security, even if we're exhausted of the subject.

The latest to spread like wildfire is the misinformed notion that you can claim exclusive copyright to anything you post on Facebook. You cannot. Their terms explicitly give Facebook the right to use what you post however they like, and to sell it to anyone they choose.

The real value of the company simply cannot equal its current price, nor anything close to it

What they tell soldiers, sailors, and airmen to do isn't bad advice for civilians either

There are a lot of theoretical and philosophical reasons to advocate different types of economic outcomes, but the long and short of the matter is that market forces are natural forces, like the tides. We can adapt to them and in some cases direct them in limited ways, but to pretend as though they won't prevail in the long run is to pretend that we're much more powerful than we really are.