Gongol.com Archives: December 2014

She lives in the UK, and inciting terrorism -- even if she's trying to incite it in Syria -- is against the law there

An interesting move; Yahoo hasn't really been a meaningful independent player in search for some time. But Firefox, which is trying a sort of brand-reboot after having given up quite a lot of ground to the Google Chrome browser, is now in a five-year agreement with Yahoo to provide Yahoo as the default search engine (while still listing others). Yahoo, meanwhile, is reciprocating by encouraging users of its properties to "upgrade" to Firefox.

A smart adaptation to new uses of old technology. There's nothing new about GIFs, but people are using them in lots of social-media applications that otherwise don't allow for easy video consumption.

Rumor has it the company doesn't want to have to follow a law that requires them to store data about Russian users on Russian-based computers

And he largely brought it upon himself