Gongol.com Archives: July 2015
July 2, 2015

They're making the site more welcoming to the drive-by visitor

Extremism often turns on itself when questions of purity and dedication to a cause take over. But this is still frightening news.

We should be nowhere close to this rate of criminal activity inside an organization that is supposed to be protecting the people. We also ought to get them to reel in their enthusiasm for showing off -- like the pictures shared of a cash stash confiscated from a passenger. Novelty isn't illegality, and it's not really a permission slip to make a big deal out of things.

But those abominable "selfie sticks" are still prohibited, as they rightly ought to be.

Brigade, which is currently in invitation-only mode, is out to solicit personal opinions on public issues and to build some kind of network around "supporters". It's attractive initial clickbait, but it may be hard to get enough people really addicted to the site sufficiently to make it work.