Gongol.com Archives: July 2015
July 31, 2015

The United States is clearly in a cyberwar with China. The question is whether it's predominantly one-sided (from an offensive perspective, that appears to be the case), and what kind of defense and/or retaliation are justified. What achieves the objective? What really is the objective? The longer the government delays in framing the rules of the game (which, astonishingly, it has failed to do already), the longer the United States suffers both national-security and economic harm.

It's good to live in a culture where we can generally assume that police authorities aren't going to call and demand a bribe

Many of the components that keep the trains running are so far obsolete that they have to keep open a shop just to fabricate their own replacements

Considering the supply chains involved, it's likely to be a broader issue than just a few Jeeps

They're going to launch the drones to hover at 90,000 feet and deliver Internet access to places that are generally off the broadband grid right now. That's because Facebook needs user growth, and they view the world's 1/3 or so who aren't already Internet-connected as a leading source of opportunity