Gongol.com Archives: March 2016
March 8, 2016
Do cracked iPhones threaten everyone's security?
An Apple engineer says so
Chinese exports have fallen for eight straight months
A foreboding sign for the global economy
A girl shouldn't have to pass as a boy to get an education
Still a long way to go for equality between males and females
Eight states where "I" is the leading party
Perhaps a symptom that both parties have work to do to satisfy many voters. Just look, for instance, at the almost total absence of Democrats up the middle of the country. It's sparsely-populated territory, for sure, but shouldn't there be some appeal from both parties?
Scotland Yard assistant commissioner says UK is at risk of "an enormous and spectacular attack"
The ambitions of ISIS/ISIL/QSIL/Daesh and its long propaganda reach combine to create a risk for the West. There most likely will be attacks again in the future -- terrorism is a tactic, not an organization -- and when they occur, we will want competent leadership in charge of our government and those of our allies.