Gongol.com Archives: April 2016

Brian Gongol

April 29, 2016

Threats and Hazards Syrian town of Aleppo now faces utter devastation

A true human disaster

Threats and Hazards Why everyone should know self-defense, case study #21

Three members of a family got attacked out of the blue in a street in Thailand

Computers and the Internet Microsoft buys into DNA-based data storage

DNA is, after all, just a means of biological data storage. Whether it can be used synthetically for the same purpose but on a very large scale? That's what Microsoft wants to figure out.

Computers and the Internet It's getting harder to sell devices

...so Apple is trying to pivot harder into service businesses

Computers and the Internet What a CEO tells you -- and how -- tells you a lot about the company

Which makes it intriguing that the Alphabet (that is, Google) team took a pass on so doing this year

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