Gongol.com Archives: July 2016
July 12, 2016
It's not that trade doesn't hurt some workers...
...it's just that a more efficient economy (resulting from trade) is capable of absorbing some of the impact and helping the affected workers to recover, while distributing the benefits of trade to the broader public in a significant way. To reduce trade to "us" versus "them" is not only reductionist, it gets things all wrong and harms people.
Is the Internet really helping kids from poor families?
Like any tool, it can be used well or poorly. And if it's not being used well, then its benefits may not be going to where they are needed most.
DEKA's prosthetic arm gets FDA approval
They plan to start selling late in the year
Did Ireland's economy really grow at a mid-20% range in 2015?
Seems unlikely -- but then again, it slipped by a huge margin when the financial markets cracked a few years ago
Beware the data collection of "Pokemon Go"
When something becomes super-popular in a very short time (like the overnight sensation that is Pokemon Go), there's a very good chance that the general public is missing something very serious behind the scenes. In this case, the app appears to gain a huge amount of access to individuals' Google accounts.