Gongol.com Archives: August 2016
August 30, 2016
"In some ways he's a more centrist voice than either the Republican or the Democrat"
The Chicago Tribune says Gary Johnson should be in the Presidential debates. They're right.
European Commission says Apple owes billions in back taxes to Ireland
The BBC reports that Apple paid 1% or less on profits when it should have been paying 12.5%. Corporate tax rates are a complete boggle in the world today.
The Facebook news-selection algorithm is already junked
Well, that didn't take long. The very same weekend that they let loose all of their human editorial staff, Facebook began promoting a completely fake story in the news feed.
Small-plane parachutes save lives
The key, as with any new safety feature, is in creating a culture where people are expected to use them.
Women have a hard time liking Donald Trump
As do Latinos and African-Americans. That's not the way to win elections. Or to be a decent human being.