Gongol.com Archives: May 2018

Brian Gongol

May 3, 2018

The United States of America "Scout Me In"

The Boy Scouts of America announce their marketing plan to welcome girls to Cub Scouts (the full launch is later this year, but they report that 3,000 early adopters are already in). They're also changing the name of the program for older kids to "Scouting BSA" starting in February -- since the girls' track in the program is coming in 2019.

Threats and Hazards Spend no time defending the indefensible

Very well-put by David French: "We are not told to rationalize and justify sinful actions to preserve political influence or a popular audience."

Computers and the Internet Twitter's password problem

Oops: "We recently identified a bug that stored passwords unmasked in an internal log."

Business and Finance But don't call it a "hostel"

A hotel opens in Chicago promising "elegance and refinement" in a "shared room" lodging model. Er...okay. But it's still a hostel.

News Does anyone really know what's going on?

Noah Smith proposes as a basic model of the world that "Nobody knows what's going on, and everyone is trying as hard as they can." A better version of that might be modified to say that the people who are trying their hardest have the most humility about what they don't know. Overconfidence correlates with duty-shirking.

Broadcasting Netflix is fixing Season 4 of "Arrested Development"

Mitch Hurwitz is re-editing the season so that it's in the same chronological format as the rest of the series. Nice.

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