Gongol.com Archives: June 2018

Brian Gongol

June 11, 2018

Humor and Good News The Federalist Lottery

A modest proposal: Every state names one of its own to be President, and we drawn the winner at random. New York serves a penalty suspension of four score and seven years for what it served up in 2016.

Business and Finance Chinese factory workers are drifting into the service sector

Oft-overlooked fact: Doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, and IT managers are all in the service sector. Whether a person's work produces a thing that fits in a box is a really arbitrary way to judge its value.

The United States of America Are we victims of the G7? No way.

We're not the first generation to face economic challenges -- but we're among the first to have the choice to face them in cooperation with allies who share our values. That's a strategic advantage, not a weakness.

Threats and Hazards Insulting allies, sucking up to adversaries

Is this really why we pay taxes?

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