Gongol.com Archives: June 2018

Brian Gongol

June 12, 2018

News A paper was signed in Singapore -- but what?

Americans will, sooner or later, be privy to what was signed. But you can be sure the North Korean people will be fed a line of propaganda about "forcing the imperialists to acknowledge the indomitable might of the Juche Ideal" or somesuch. That's a win for Kim Jong Un -- at US expense.

Health Would you take a longer life (with high quality) if it required working longer?

There's no telling what's in store, but odds are good that the year 2100 will be amazing. Do people hate work? Over-discount extra quality years of life? Not really care that much about living? Attitudes on this will have a big impact on important policies -- like how we fund retirement programs and health care.

News Women discover -- at age 72 -- that they were switched at birth

One of their mothers is still alive

News 40 floors of fire escape

A missed opportunity, perhaps, to demonstrate the Coriolis effect

Computers and the Internet Don't accept USBs from strangers

USB giveaways at the summit: Mating American weakness for free stuff to a super-convenient vector for putting really bad things on computers.

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