Gongol.com Archives: September 2018

Brian Gongol

September 13, 2018

Threats and Hazards Your neighbor probably values democracy, but...

12% of Americans, though, would say that living under democratic rule is a "5" or less on a ten-point scale.

Threats and Hazards The buck stops with the President

President Trump took to Twitter with a cowardly, weak, and uncomprehending reaction to a calamity that occurred on his watch, claiming that revised estimates of the death toll from the 2017 hurricanes in Puerto Rico were not just exaggerated, but exaggerated specifically by his political opponents to score points. Neither caring about nor understanding the facts, he only wants "wins" with quick attribution -- which makes it a very real possibility that he might wake up one morning and threaten to default on the Federal debt. The threat alone would be devastating, but he's already shared his ludicrous opinion that the debt can be inflated away. "Print money to lower the national debt" is not the point of view of an economic genius. It is not even the point of view of a student who has paid attention through the first two weeks in an introductory macroeconomics course.

Health Bone marrow donation is easier than in the past

A drive in Central Iowa -- looking especially for people with varied ethnic backgrounds -- highlights that many donors can give without any surgery at all

Weather and Disasters What to expect from Hurricane Florence

Some places could end up with four times as much rain as what fell on Central Iowa back on June 30th and July 1st.

News Goldilocks and the three generals

A case for flag officers who are neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic. In the words of Dwight Eisenhower: "And it is well to remember that caution and timidity are not synonymous, just as boldness and rashness are not!"

Broadcasting A phenomenal use of television

(Video) Illustrating the power of storm surge with immersive virtual reality is a great idea. Every medium has something special it can do that the others can't.

Computers and the Internet Stupid policies are yielding predictably bad outcomes

Prices for PCs spiked in August. In related news, the President's indefensible trade-war approach to doing business with China has resulted in new tariffs.

News To criminalize the victim? Abhorrent.

Local news reports on a few grams of marijuana found in the home of Botham Jean, a man killed in his own apartment by a reckless neighbor who happened to be an armed police officer. If the piece of trivia -- that he may have possessed a tiny quantity of marijuana -- causes you even a scintilla of doubt that this man should be alive and safe in his own home, then you ought to forfeit your citizenship immediately.

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