Gongol.com Archives: December 2018

Brian Gongol

December 14, 2018

News Things have to be pretty bad before a person would chance a dangerous journey with a 2-year-old

(Video) And yet, that's what's happening and causing people to flee from Honduras

Threats and Hazards The real threat from Chinese hackers

Worthy of urgent concern: "China now can not only build dossiers on U.S. citizens of interest, but can also spoof their identities in cyberspace."

News Ballard's search for Titanic was a cover story

They were really looking for sunken nuclear submarines. The quest for Titanic was just a convenient cover story. Now we deserve to know the declassified truth behind Geraldo Rivera's televised trip through Al Capone's broom closet and David Copperfield's performance at the Statue of Liberty.

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