Gongol.com Archives: January 2020
January 10, 2020
Should single-family housing be a zone?
A bill introduced in the Nebraska legislature would prohibit zoning ordinances in cities of 5,000 people or larger from restricting any residential zone to single-family houses. Most interesting. A well-varied housing stock seems to be one of the essential answers to making sure housing is generally affordable. It's probably good for the character of most communities, too.
Twitter's advice: "Don't drink and Tweet"
As though sobriety were a hallmark of Twitter content
Finnish herders put reflective paint on reindeer antlers
Makes them easier for motorists to see at night. Now come to Iowa and paint the deer. Please?
Evolution really dropped the ball when it gave us back hair that keeps growing instead of teeth that could regenerate.
When the popular press screams "No stopping the stock market now"...
...you should probably assume it's a bubble about to burst. When the echo chamber gets going on a narrative that "You won't believe how much the stock market is ready to explode", it's probably on the verge of a correction.
To the outsider, Maclean's has long seemed like a sort of de facto voice of what Canada as a whole is thinking. That's probably an exaggeration of its role, but it's a little weird that we don't have similar editorial voices in the US -- especially regional ones. Why isn't there a strong "Centralist" magazine? Why are even the super-regional newspapers still massively provincial?