Gongol.com Archives: November 2020
November 27, 2020
Customers are turning against scented candles
It's not because the candles have gone bad. It's because so many people have lost their sense of smell due to Covid-19 that they're not registering the change when buying aromatic wax. If we're not going to get massive daily testing for this dreadful virus, we should make everyone pass a scratch-and-sniff test before entering any public place -- unless they can document that they've passed an antibody test.
I have a joke about Milton Friedman...
...but if I gave it away you wouldn't appreciate it.
When 3D printing comes to the grocery store
Will we demand anatomically-correct Thanksgiving turkeys?
Sage advice from Arthur Brooks: "[M]ake a commitment never to engage with others when they are anonymous online. Social media companies might or might not ultimately require people to reveal their identities before participating, but even if they don't, you don't have to engage..."