Brian Gongol
Jerry Del Colliano: James Cridland:
- Free radio research is everywhere
- The next generation of Internet radio receivers: "We forget the tremendous benefits of 'press the button and noise comes out'"
One Golden Square:
- The world's most popular podcasts
- Putting your Internet use right in front of the on-air talent with a giant LCD television display
- When radio isn't just terrestrial anymore -- surviving on the "infinite dial"
- Digital radio - "The sound of yesteryear"
- The digital newsstand
- Absolute Radio's live interaction page: An Internet replication of an amazing live video display allowing radio hosts to monitor what's going on on their station's website, the value of which is reviewed elsewhere. It's a great leap ahead of the ubiquitous studio clock
- CoverItLive, a service for live text/online coverage of news events -- or radio broadcasts
- "I think every radio station in town has to pray to God they have a visionary on their staff."