The WHO Radio Wise Guys
Brian Gongol

Crooks! Liars! Thieves! The bad guys are using more image spam than ever before. That's when they don't send you a message with text that says "Buy cheap Viagra online"...they just put it inside a picture and send you the picture.

Time to get a new browser if you haven't already.

Microsoft's new Windows Vista will be ready for most users to download by the end of the month, and so far, reviews are mixed, at best. The new operating system really doesn't appear to offer much in terms of new features. Much like getting into a pool, it's probably best to let other people be the first ones to try this thing out. It's really just a life-cycle update, not a revolution.

Scientists are trying to tell emergency planners to use Google Earth and other tools that are already widely-available to help save lives in emergencies.