The WHO Radio Wise Guys
Brian Gongol

In case you thought Fourth of July fireworks were all just fun and games, you might've missed the story of an Omaha couple who were building explosives in their home.

Hackers are already trying to crack the iPhone. Rumor has it that AT&T has sped up their network to make Internet surfing faster for the new influx of iPhone users.

Patch Tuesday is on the way this week, with three "critical" updates, among others.

In 2007, some people still believe in dragons. What's wrong with that? Well, among other things, it's a problem when they grind up "dragon" bones that are actually dinosaur fossils.

IBM and Sun are working on a computer that will operate so much faster than existing supercomputers that they have to use a brand-new level of terminology just to discuss how fast it goes.

The Wii Exercise Plan? It's bizarre, no doubt.

The BlackBerry is coming to China. This story could be really big: Technology can accelerate political revolutions.