Brian Gongol Show on WHO Radio - August 23, 2009
Brian Gongol
- State Fair wrap-up
- Swinging from one crisis to another: Today, it's health care. Last year, gas prices, Two years ago, Iraq. Keeps bouncing, but we never really settle on solving the problems.
- Are we becoming a Confederacy of wimps?
- We've had too many bailouts: Banks, automakers, homeowners. Where does it stop? And who pays the bills?
- PowerPoint thinking is no good for us. Compare the oratorical styles of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Ronald Reagan.
Great oratory comes from distilling a great idea after you understand its totality.
You have to start big, think it through, then break it down. You can't start from the distillation.
- Yay Capitalism: The USPS has adapted to changing demand for mail service, just as companies have adapted to customer convenience with things like online bill payments
- Tin Foil Hat Award: It took too long for the White House to realize was a whopper of an error