Brian Gongol Show on WHO Radio - November 22, 2009
Samuel L. Jackson showed up in a crushed purple velvet suit at the American Music Awards. I could never be that cool. I do want to see him reprise his role from "Pulp Fiction" dressed like that.
New recommendations include backing off the frequency of cervical cancer screenings When an experience like a brush with cancer is personal to you, you really don't care that testing may be inefficient in the aggregate. You care whether your own life is saved. And we shouldn't reject testing on the basis that the treatment may be inefficient. We need to improve the treatment and keep up the testing. Knowledge is a powerful tool.
This country is $12 trillion in debt.
Thanksgiving food, shopping, and related thoughts:
- The best time to shop is the day before, to see the crowds
- Be thankful, but we have to work to keep the things we're thankful for
- It's time to learn about money (especially in the midst of spending lots of it)
- Fewer than 1/3 of young adults know squat about personal finance
- Step 1: Learn how to balance a checkbook
- Step 2: Learn about compound interest. That's why the Federal debt is killing us.
- Step 3: Figure out that when you own stock, you're the boss, so you can fire overpaid executives
The government claims to be transparent about "recovery" spending, but it's nonsense