Wise Guys on WHO Radio - December 20, 2014
The WHO Radio Wise Guys airs on WHO Radio in Des Moines, Iowa on 1040 AM or streaming online at WHORadio.com. The show airs from 1 to 2 pm Central Time on Saturday afternoons. A podcast of show highlights is also available. Leave comments and questions on the Wise Guys Facebook page or e-mail them to wiseguys@whoradio.com.
Please note: These show notes may be in various stages of completion -- ranging from brainstormed notes through to well-polished monologues. Please excuse anything that may seem rough around the edges, as it may only be a first draft of a thought and not be fully representative of what was said on the air.
Cybercrime and the North Korean attack on Sony

President Obama's response: "We will respond proportionately and in a space, time and manner that we choose."
Does it matter that the damage done is economic and not physical? It's still an attack on American property interests. This is the 21st Century version of warfare -- and even if we choose not to respond in a conventionally militaristic fashion (that is, with guns and bombs), we shouldn't be naive. This is one method of conducting warfare today.
In the news this week

Says the former head of the European Central Bank

Some may turn to crypto-currency

Listener questions (answered on the air -- listen to the podcast)
- From Tom: Need some help....I have an external hard drive that I was able to connect to my network (WD My Book). With the new Windows 8.1, the fine folks at Microsoft decided that it won't let it recognize the "old" WD drive. Now I have music, photos, etc that I cannot access!!! Someone told me to run a virtual machine w/program that would recognize the drive, but I must be doing something wrong because I can't get it to work. I've got new Ipads and stuff to get ready for Christmas and I don't want to get a new drive if I don't have to. PLEASE HELP!
- From an anonymous listener: Hoping you can help or give us some ideas. We have a lot of medical health issues going on right now and can't research like we normally would, so we appreciate any recommendations you can give us. We have a tablet, 856980 SAMSUNG 12'PRO. Could you tell us, if there is a usb accessory that would plug into this samsung and plug into our printer,etc...? Also, we seen on tv for the apple products had an accessory to turn it into a laptop functionality and was wondering if there might be one you'd recommend for this product. Thanks for your help. I hope I've explained enough for you to understand and be able to get back to us.
- From Larry: Could you recommend a video streamer? Chromecast, Fire Stick, or Roku Stick? I an interested in getting: iHeartRadio, Netflix, YouTube, Network on demand shows