Brian Gongol Show on WHO Radio - August 15, 2016

Brian Gongol

Podcast: Updated weekly in the wee hours of Sunday night/Monday morning. Subscribe on Stitcher, Spreaker, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or iHeartRadio

Please note: These show notes may be in various stages of completion -- ranging from brainstormed notes through to well-polished monologues. Please excuse anything that may seem rough around the edges, as it may only be a first draft of a thought and not be fully representative of what was said on the air.

Milwaukee rioting

Riots followed a police shooting

Threats and Hazards Video footage doesn't reflect well on Chicago police behavior in recent killing

The Chicago Tribune reports that police in the city have killed 215 people in the last 15 years, and no civil-rights charges have been filed by Federal authorities in any of them, nor in the hundreds of other police shootings that didn't result in death. Whatever the causes behind it, that number should disturb the reader. Even if every single one of those shooting deaths was justified, it still documents a stunning level of violence. The United States needs an independent Federal authority to investigate every civilian shooting death by police. It should function like the NTSB or the CDC -- both agencies charged with figuring out why bad things happen, utilizing first-class resources. We shouldn't run away from the facts: Whether or not any police officer has done a single thing wrong, we should still insist on civilian oversight that is strong enough to investigate every single case without fear of retribution. That really can only come from a Federal authority.

Google Fiber, minus the fiber

Google is filing to use wireless spectrum space to deliver Internet access

Google starts up a new operating system

Google is working on a new operating system

Clean up after yourself

Ohio police officer finds 7-year-old trying to hawk teddy bear for food

Mind your business

American economic productivity is in the toilet

Major questions:

The six factors our guest Dr. Ken McCormick said economists are examining as possible causes:

  1. Low rates of real investment -- not stock-picking, but instead investment in the tools (of all kinds) that allow employees to get more work done. This is related as well to "capital deepening", which is what happens when more capital investment is made per worker.
  2. Labor hoarding -- companies keeping good employees on the payroll when there isn't really enough work for them to do, simply to keep from losing those hard-to-find high performers. Companies may have the workers but not the output to show for it.
  3. Skill shortages -- worker skills haven't kept pace consistently with the growing demands of the economy
  4. Shortfalls in new firm formation -- despite the breathless coverage of new tech startups, new firm formation has been falling steadily since 2005
  5. Infrastructure deterioration -- our national reluctance to pay for infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and construction may be catching up with us
  6. Rent seeking -- companies and individuals doing things like sitting on useful patents and attempting to use government influence to push policies and regulations that favor their incumbent positions in the marketplace at the expense of competitors (and consumers)

Louisiana flooding

Floods in and around Baton Rouge have killed at least six people

21st Century conservatism

What happens if the Republican Party cuts funding for Trump?

Maybe the most dangerous thing he does is threaten to leave our allies hanging

Trump discusses his ISIS plan this afternoon

Do we not join enough?

The United States of America The struggle of the modern service/fraternal organization

Americans aren't joining like we used to -- not anywhere close to it. And that's keeping many Americans from engaging on a local, social, and constructive level with people who might differ from them on "big-picture" political issues that are decided in the courts and at the ballot box in big numbers. We're fine if we disagree on big issues, but only if we're also healthy enough on a civic level that we take care of our own on a local level.

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