Contact Us
Who are we?
Manufacturers representatives for water and wastewater treatment equipment and other environmental systems. D.J. Gongol and Associates, Inc. was founded in 1978 and has served Iowa and Nebraska from our Des Moines office since 1984. We take pride in representing the highest-quality products that will provide reliable, low-maintenance service for years to come.
What products do we represent?
- Gorman-Rupp pumps
- Gorman-Rupp wastewater lift stations
- Gorman-Rupp water-pressure booster stations
- Gorman-Rupp base-mounted pumping packages
- Gorman-Rupp Ramparts pumps for sludges and slurries
- Portable pumps from IPT by Gorman-Rupp
- Non-engineered pumps of all types and sizes from Gorman-Rupp
- Patterson Pump Co. pumps for clean-water applications
- Analytical Technology, Inc. (ATI) water-quality sensors
- Analytical Technology, Inc. (ATI) toxic and combustible gas detection
- Environetics baffle systems
- Environetics PortaTanks
- Exceltec tablet chlorination and dechlorination (online ordering)
- Flexible Valve Corp. pinch valves
- Flo-Pak municipal pressure booster stations
- Flo-Pak economy pressure booster pump skids
- Golden Harvest water control gates
- Krofta Technologies DAF clarifiers
- Krofta Technologies sand filters
- Quality Control Equipment Company flowmeters
- Quality Control Equipment Company wastewater samplers
- Stamford Scientific International, Inc. diffused aeration systems
- Waste-Tech grit traps and grit process equipment
What solutions do you need?
Ask us about...
air-release valves
bar screens
base-mounted pump stations
booster stations
chlorine monitors
clearwell baffles
coarse-bubble aeration
combination water air valves
combination wastewater air valves
combustible gas detection
digester covers
dissolved air flotation clarifiers
dissolved-oxygen monitors
dissolved-ozone monitors
end-suction centrifugal pumps
energy recovery
fine-bubble aeration
flap gates
fluoride monitors
grit pumps
grit traps
high-volume centrifugal sewage pumps
horizontal split-case pumps
hydrogen sulfide monitors
knowledge base
lagoon baffles
lagoon liners
lift stations
mud valves
multi-purpose vertical turbine pumps
municipal pressure booster stations
non-clog sewage pumps
online store
ORP monitors
particle counters
pH monitors
pinch valves
portable gas monitors
portable pumps
pressure booster skids
rectangular collectors
rotary distributors
sand filters
secondary containment
slide gates
sludge mixing guns
sludge pumps
slurry pumps
sluice gates
stormwater detention
stormwater tanks
tablet feeders
tank baffles
toxic gas detection
turbidity monitors
vertical in-line pumps
vertical turbine pumps
wastewater samplers
water-quality sensors
Contact our outside sales engineers, Verne Gongol or Brian Gongol, for custom specifications and calculations - use our contact page