Gongol.com > Archive > 2005 > February 2005
"I always made my living practicing law up to the time I became Governor, without being dependent on any official salary. This left me free to make my own decisions in accordance with what I thought was the public good." - Calvin Coolidge
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logo: Jason Beane

Gongol.com Archives: February 2005
Brian Gongol

Socialism Doesn't Work (2.15.2005)
UN: Trade Protectionism in Rich Countries Hurts Poor Countries
No kidding. And they also have this groundbreaking observation: Monoculture practices in those poor countries expose them to serious risks when prices for their agricultural commodities fall. This is basic Economics 101: Poor countries need trade, and lots of it. Furthermore, they need to develop human capital instead of relying on commodity exports. But the fools who say that all trade is exploitation will only shout louder into their bullhorns without ever learning.

The American Way (2.15.2005)
Irish Especially Skeptical About EU
High probability it has something to do with Ireland's market-friendly economy and rapid growth, compared to the darkly socialistic EU Constitution

Threats to Western Civilization (2.15.2005)
UN: Al Qaeda Still a Threat
Decentralized structure means terrorist group can continue operations even while under stress

Science and Technology (2.15.2005)
Kyoto Treaty Goes Into Effect
US, Australia won't take part. India, China getting free rides.

Business and Finance (2.15.2005)
Russia to Have 16 Million Visa Cards By End of Year
"Everywhere you want to be," they say

Business and Finance (2.15.2005)
Yushchenko Says He'll Review Sales of State-Owned Businesses
New president of Ukraine says he'll review the privatization of 30 businesses, then will leave the rest alone. That, plus an anti-corruption drive, is expected to help economic development there.

The United States of America (2.15.2005)
President Requests $74.9 Billion in Supplemental Funding for Defense Department

The United States of America (2.15.2005)
Why Canada Should Join in the Ballistic Missile Defense Shield
Sometimes the free-rider problem is so big, it goes international. Basic conclusions are that (a) the US will create some kind of system, (b) Canada is going to be influenced by the shield one way or another, and will probably be partially or wholly covered by it, so (c) they might as well get on board and have some influence from the inside.

Computers and the Internet (2.15.2005)
New Version of Internet Explorer Coming Early
Was supposed to have been bundled with Windows Longhorn, but Firefox has Microsoft running scared.

We All Need a Little Humor (2.15.2005)
The Onion: "Bloodless Coup a Real Letdown"
"And why bomb the mansion when the president has left the keys hanging in the door next to a note about the thermostat?"

Computers and the Internet (2.15.2005)
How to Get Rid of Spyware
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Gongol.com -- posted 2.2.2005