Iowa Legislative Scorecard - 2007
Brian Gongol

House version Senate versionDescriptionOpinion and link to explanationStatus
HF 1 Minimum-wage increase Bad Signed into law
HJR 2 Extends Iowa House terms to four years Bad
HF 21 Education reform Bad
HSB 34 Voting by mail for towns of 200 people Good
HF 36 Restricts campaign contributions Bad
HF 43 Requires high-school students to take financial literacy course Good
HF 53 Local-option sales tax votes at general election only Good
HF 56 SF 287 Requires keg registration Bad
HF 68 Regulations on political telemarketing Bad
HF 71 Paper records of electronic ballots Good, needs improvement
HF 99 Restricts distribution of campaign literature Bad
HSB 105 Establishes public funding for political campaigns Bad
HF 106 Moratorium on gambling licenses Bad
HF 115 Establishes a regulatory-efficiency committee Good
HSB 115 Statewide preschool for 4-year-olds Bad
HF 129 Requires proof of insurance to register a car Good
HF 132 Adds further complication to local-option sales tax Bad
HF 140 Eliminates bonuses in state government Bad
HSB 147 SSB 1103 Would render the Electoral College inert Bad
HF 167 Civil penalties for false campaign ads Uncertain
HSB 168 Creates a special tax credit for insurance companies Bad
HF 175 Streamlining transition from community college to state university Good
HF 189 Raises pay for public defense attorneys Good Was HSB-1; now in committee
HF 195 Schools must establish "parent participation" policies Bad
HSB 204 SSB 1229 Election-day voter registration Bad
HF 204 Prescription-drug pricing and discount plan Bad
HF 223 SF 155 Creates center for governing excellence Uncertain Was HSB 9, SSB 1161; approved by Senate
HSB 250 Raises state sales tax Uncertain
HSB 266 Subsidies for certain "targeted" industries Bad
HSB 271 Subsidies for "entrepreneurial endowments" Bad
HSB 275 SSB 1298 Establishes Iowa Power Fund Bad
HF 293 Makes the state earned-income tax credit refundable Good
HF 297 Taxes raised through tobacco-tax increases must go towards state-funded health care Uncertain
HF 324 SSB 1120 Requires "fair share" payments from non-union members Bad
HF 356 Subsidies for "bioscience" jobs Bad
HF 395 Raises cigarette taxes to $1.53 per pack Bad
HF 403 Imposes a tax on ethanol exported out of Iowa Bad
HF 404 Special tax incentives for biodiesel plants Bad
HF 407 Prevents state from spending more when tax collections are high Good
HF 410 Light bulbs used to raise chickens exempted from sales taxes Bad
HF 411 SF 183 Tax credits and giveaways for filmmakers Bad
HF 414 Increased legal protection for the use of lethal force Uncertain
HF 427 Requires high-school students to take financial literacy course Good Duplicate of HF 43
HF 496 SF 182 State-enforced "equal pay" Bad
HF 498 Establishes Iowa Power Fund and "energy independence" office Bad
HF 527 SSB 1119 Statewide preschool for 4-year-olds Bad
HF 531 Increases the state EITC Uncertain
HF 555 Raises cigarette tax to $1.36 per pack Bad
HF 561 Bans high-intensity xenon headlights Bad
HF 573 Requires all high-school students to take the ACT exam Uncertain
HF 596 Dedicates lottery revenues to education Bad
HF 598 SSB 1070 Raises jury pay Good
HF 675 Funds a study into the "living wage" Bad Was HF 313
HF 680 Tax breaks for audio-video firms Bad
HF 698 Tax breaks for "high-quality jobs" Bad
HF 720 Sales-tax exemption for gyms to buy equipment Bad
SF 96 Prohibits Department of Corrections from using private prisons Bad
SF 104 Gives 17-year-olds right to vote in school-board elections Uncertain
SF 120 $300,000 for a whitewater park in Waterloo Bad
SF 122 Exempts "Energy Star" appliances from state sales taxes Bad
SF 128 Massive increase in tobacco taxes Bad Was SSB 1055; approved by Senate
SF 133 Creates a greenhouse-gas registry Bad
SF 196 Special tax breaks for fuel-efficient cars Bad
SF 222 Increases size of state's "rainy-day" fund Good
SF 286 Power companies forced to reduce consumption 12% by 2012 Bad
SF 288 State building code to include energy-efficiency requirements Bad
SF 318 $43 million "renewable fuels" project at ISU Bad
SF 390 Tax hikes on cable and satellite TV Bad
SF 391 Carbon neutrality forced on power plants and factories Bad
SF 393 Sales-tax exemption for energy used at IT facilities Bad
SF 394 Tax incentives for energy from biomass Bad
SF 413 "Fair share" rule for public employees Bad
SSB 1138 Gives parents recourse for loss of a child Good
SSB 1166 Raises cigarette tax by $1.00 a pack Bad
SSB 1171 Gambling approvals permanent after two elections Bad
SSB 1223 Restricts the release of Social Security numbers Good